The Story of Jeep
This 252-page paperback book has lots of useful product information and a fair amount of corporate history. I’ve found most useful this book’s coverage of the 1960s, which elsewhere hasn’t received the attention it deserves. […]
This 252-page paperback book has lots of useful product information and a fair amount of corporate history. I’ve found most useful this book’s coverage of the 1960s, which elsewhere hasn’t received the attention it deserves. […]
This is an older book but stands out as one of the most prominent critiques of the U.S.’s automotive-dominated transportation system. Jane Holtz Kay argued that the car had become to financially, socially and environmentally costly to the […]
I came across this scholarly paper when looking for data on the declining market share of domestic automakers. Lorraine Eden and Maureen Appel Molot present that data in a variety of useful ways. However, what is […]
This may be the most heavily researched of the Standard Catalog of American Car series. That’s by necessity — the 1,612-page catalog covers almost 140 years and a huge number of minor makes. Editors Beverly Rae Kimes […]
This is a compilation of more than three-dozen articles from auto buff magazines such as Car Life, Four Wheeler, Mechanix Illustrated and Motor Trend. A big part of the value in this series of books, […]
The second of a four-book Cars of series displays a wee bit more editorial sophistication than the other three (which cover the 1940s, 1960s and 1970s). The basic format is the same — an oversized hard-cover book […]
If I were to own only one Studebaker history, this would be it. As with Richard M. Langworth’s other books written in the 1970s (e.g., Hudson, Kaiser-Frazer and Chrysler), this is a refreshingly “old-school” automotive history. Unlike all […]
As with Richard Langworth’s other automotive books (e.g., on Hudson, Kaiser-Frazer and Studebaker) Chrysler & Imperial offers a more substantive history compared to newer, more visually-oriented books. When doing research on the Chrysler Corporation I reach for this book […]
This 800-page paperback reference book covers pickups (both truck and car based), vans and sport utility vehicles. Like most Standard catalogs, the format is unpretentious — non-glossy paper, small black-and-white photos, and a sea of text in small type. […]
This is yet another oversized hard-cover book from the Consumer Guide folks. It’s an entirely competent effort led by Richard M. Langworth and James Flammang but may be at least somewhat redundant if you already have another […]
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