Edward Snitkoff (2015) has written a lengthy review of the book, American Icon: Alan Mulally And The Fight To Save Ford Motor Company (Hoffman, 2012), for Curbside Classic.
Snitkoff’s review focuses on summarizing the book but weaves in a generally positive assessment. The posting elicited an unusually large number of responses — 137 as of this writing — and the conversation is wide-ranging. For example, there is a robust debate about whether Mercury should have been axed. Worth a look.
One of the comments that most resonated with me was from Bill Mitchell, who stated: “I read and own the book. It’s a good read, informative and entertaining. That said I think (reporter Bryce) Hoffman may have drank a little too much of Mulally’s Koolaid. At times his love of Mulally was a bit much for me. Now that Mulally is gone and we can look back, Ford is better off than it was and he certainly played a huge role in saving the company. However, Ford certainly didn’t or isn’t building too many game changers IMO.”
That’s similar in take to my mini-review of the book (go here).
- Hoffman, Bryce G.; 2012. American Icon: Alan Mulally and the Fight to Save Ford Motor Company. Crown Business, New York, NY.
- Snitkoff, Edward; 2015: “CC Book Review: American Icon: Alan Mulally And The Fight To Save Ford Motor Company.” Curbside Classic. Posted Oct. 29; accessed Oct. 31.
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