First of all, The Daily Drive should not to be confused with The Drive, the Drive Tribe and Driven Nuts (okay, that last one I made up). The Daily Drive is produced by Consumer Guide Automotive, which should not be confused with Consumer Reports (when in doubt, click on that last link).
The Daily Drive offers a mix of news and commentaries about new and old cars. The overall vibe is slick and superficial but they occasionally post interesting content, such as photo features from Collectible Automobile magazine. Indeed, The Daily Drive website and Collectible Automobile Facebook page often include cross-posted material.
The Daily Drive dishes out its fair share of auto history clickbait — some of which it recycles (apparently endlessly). Some of that clickbait is merely forgettable. Click here if you would like to experience the unbearable liteness of a Rambler Marlin ad.
However, once in a while The Daily Drive makes a lasting impression. I would point to a piece by Chris Poole that epitomizes how the auto buff media can perpetuate factually inaccurate narratives for years — even though they clearly know better than to do so (go here for the story).
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This is an expanded version of a mini-review originally posted January 5, 2018.
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