“I’ve been a ‘car nut’ for nearly 60 years and while I have always told folks that I don’t care for most cars built before WW II, I feel quite depressed that we have reached a point where cars are literally all the same. We are just a few steps away from a world where we all ‘drive’ electric, golf cart type boxes. And you can have it in any color as long as it’s silver.”
— DanEKay, Curbside Classic
- DanEKay; 2018. Commentator in “Curbside Classic Visits The 2018 New York International Auto Show, Part 3: Subaru, Volvo, Lexus, Acura, Genesis, Mazda, and Revero.” Curbside Classic. Posted May 31 at 7:36 a.m.; accessed May 31.
Who knew that the cars of tomorrow, which are the cars of today, wouldn’t be really cars and that they look like what we used to know as station wagons because they are simple 2-box designs, which must however, conform to numerous safety and aerodynamic requirements and when painted black, grey, silver or white, do kind of end up looking very undistinguishable.