“DeLorean spends the rest of his life in and out of court. He declares bankruptcy in 1999. His Bedminster estate is purchased by a Connecticut-based golf-course development partnership, who within two years will sell it to Donald Trump.
On a wet Saturday in 2002, in front of news reporters and guests, the future president of the United States digs into what was once John DeLorean’s lawn with a gold-painted shovel.
‘Let’s take a little dirt out of here,’ Trump says, hefting a small heap of soil in the direction of a group of news photographers. ‘Okay, now let’s throw it on the press.’”
— Alex Pappademas, The Outline
- Pappademas, Alex; 2018. “Demon Underneath: John DeLorean and the Invention of the Future. “ The Outline. Posted December 11; accessed December 13.
William C. Durant and John Z. DeLorean, two men with visions of what General Motors could be, and both at the end, forgotten men.