What’s new for November
Welcome to the November edition of Indie Auto. The front page of this website is updated around the first of each month. Typically included is a mix of new and reposted material. Original content: A […]
Welcome to the November edition of Indie Auto. The front page of this website is updated around the first of each month. Typically included is a mix of new and reposted material. Original content: A […]
(EXPANDED 12/14/2022) An Audi R8 in the wild is an eye-opening event. Everything about the car is over-amped, from the child-eating grille to the showy display of V10 power just beneath the rear window. The […]
Lockstops (2019) concluded that Greens and leftists “are like a cancer.” 28-Cars-Later (2019b) suggested that mercenaries should be hired to “start popping the heads off” members of the European Union Commission. Why the vitriol? Because […]
This Ford Motor Company promotional film from the late-60s is one of the most unintentionally revealing glimpses into American automotive design from that period. As discussed in the following links, the film shows how Detroit failed […]
Richard M. Langworth is arguably the dean of American automotive history. I suspect that he has authored or co-authored more books than anyone else in the field. More importantly, his writing is noteworthy for its […]
The U.S. automobile industry has shown admirable ingenuity in developing new technologies to reduce the greenhouse gases produced by its cars and trucks. The problem is that a religious devotion to bigger, glitzier and more […]
I recently came across Jack Baruth’s (2013) announcement of a new set of editorial policies at The Truth About Cars after editor Bartel Schmitt departed. One of the new policies was that there “will be […]
“’He could be really helpful, but he could also be hyper-competitive,’ added John McElroy, who often had Dunne on his TV show, Autoline:Detroit. ‘He was hyper-competitive and never wanted anyone muscling in on his gig,’ […]
The headline was about as alarmist as you can get for an auto enthusiast website: “UK Parliament Committee Wants to Ban All Private Cars and Trucks by 2050.” Writer Ronnie Schreiber (2019) then proceeded to […]
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