The future of auto blogging after the fall of Rome


“I think we’re kind of in a postmodern, ‘Fall of Rome’ era of blogging. The golden age is well behind us, and there’s a glut of content and channels, a few barons and a lot of low-wage contractors. The Truth About Cars isn’t alone that way.

The conditions that made this blog something remarkable in 2007 don’t really exist any longer; can you imagine someone like Brock Yates writing regularly for TTAC in 2014? It would be a challenge to source, win and keep contributors. TTAC has some good writers, but it’s not going to keep them.

That will be the challenge for VerticalScope and Derek: Robert Farago’s chief strength, and I think it was underappreciated, what getting and keeping some very talented co-conspirators. I haven’t seen TTAC since his tenure retain people of that caliber.”

— Psarhjinian, The Truth About Cars (2014)


Also see ‘Curbside Classic shows what small-scale media are up against’

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