Month: September 2022

Could the 1960 Comet have saved the Edsel?
“Then, in a postscript — and as if adding insult to injury — the most successful Edsel of all, the Comet, was built as a Mercury. The Mercury Comet was virtually indistinguishable from the Edsel […]

1958 Studebaker’s styling was ‘quite in line’ with the Big Three’s
Peter recently submitted a comment that took to task our article, “1958 Studebaker: Honesty is the best policy.” One part of his critique was that I “mis-quoted facts.” I strive to be accurate — particularly […]

A week of camping and web technical problems
This week I am adding to the front page only one updated story, which is about the infamous DeLorean DMC-12. That’s all I had time for because I had been camping most of the week. […]

1953 Popular Mechanics: Will U.S. cars get any smaller or bigger?
For the February 1953 issue of Popular Mechanics, Automotive Editor Arthur R. Railton and Detroit Automotive Correspondent Siler Freeman interviewed three American engineers and designers after they returned from European auto shows. The following quotes […]

Ate Up With Motor is back but SAH forum still sputters
Aaron Severson (2022) has just posted a new story at his automotive history website, Ate Up With Motor. This is a noteworthy event because he has been relatively quiet over the last few years. Meanwhile, […]