When Indie Auto gets a spike in readership for a specific story, we almost always receive a certain type of comment. As a case in point, BN responded to our story about the 1963 Mercury Marauder by stating, “Yes, as James Duvall pointed out, there was more to the big car than just the design. The power plant is what differentiated it anyways. Boy, you sure don’t like Ford do you?”
I have owned more Fords over the years than any other domestic car. And as an automotive historian, I have had more of an interest in writing about the Ford Motor Company than the rest of the Big Three. However, this is not a car collector’s website. My focus is on exploring why the U.S. auto industry experienced one of the most spectacular industrial collapses of the last century.
In other words, Indie Auto’s focus is more on corporate strategies rather than whether I happen to like a specific car. Or how many races that car has won.
In addition, this is a journal of opinion rather than a source of “just-the-facts” reporting. Critique is a central part of what we do (in stories as well as comment threads). That can bother some folks enough that they depart for other websites where they can just admire old cars. Which is entirely fine.
If you are new here and curious about what we’re up to, read this. Maybe Indie Auto will strike you as interesting enough to stick around. And if not, thank you for stopping by and taking a look.
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