EG stopped by to respond to our article, “Car and Driver playfully roasts a 1964 Ford Thunderbird convertible.”
I have owned nine Thunderbirds. The best one was the two seater. They should have fired the T-Bird design team after 1966. That was the last true bird. Go back to two seaters, bring the pricing back to earth where a lot of young and middle-age people will buy them.
Like old Henry said, make a lot, sell them at reasonable prices. I will buy one more T-Bird that will get me through until I’m 100 years young — I’m 90 years now.
I’ve been driving Fords since I was nine years old. I learned how to drive in the fields of old Detroit and alleyways with my older brothers. My father taught me how at six years old to stay between the lines on old Grand River country roads back then. I was there with my buddies when the Ford Rotunda burnt down. Enough said.
— EG
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