“While [The Truth About Cars] has always thrived on pull-no-punches discourse, and though I have personally learned and grown from the criticism I received as editor here, the sense of entitlement demonstrated by some members of this (FREE) community is saddening.
Whatever your personal feelings are about how Bertel [Schmitt], myself or Robert Farago ran this site, whichever interpretation of TTAC’s values you most appreciate, please understand that TTAC is a labor of love. Every editor has given of themselves to this brand, far out of proportion with the material compensation available.
If this job were easy, there would be a million TTACs and you could choose the one that perfectly fits your interests. But because there is only one TTAC, and because it asks nothing more of you than to appreciate it, I encourage each of you to make at least a small effort to truly appreciate TTAC and make your contributions to it as constructive as possible. Believe me when I say, the job can be thankless enough without your help!”
— Edward Niedermeyer, The Truth About Cars (2013)
- Niedermeyer, Edward; 2013. Commentator in “In Which We Bid A Fond Farewell To Our Former Editor, Reinstate Banned Commenters And Welcome All Back Home To TTAC.” The Truth About Cars. Posted July 12 at 1:39 p.m.
I haven’t visited TTAC since Curbside Classic started. The ‘reader entitlement’ led to unmoderated vicious commenting and are what drove me away from the site permanently. The last thing I read there was Merilee’s Hell Impala series.