Road Test columnist attacks Motor Trend for Car of Year awards to Pontiac

1965 Pontiac Grand Prix

(EXPANDED FROM 6/26/2023)

The June 1968 issue of Road Test magazine took its rival, Motor Trend, to task for anointing the Pontiac GTO as Car of the Year. Columnist Byron Bloch argued that the award had been a “sham” for “many years” (1968, p. 6).

Bloch started off by critiquing the other three times when Motor Trend gave Pontiac the award. He dismissed the 1959 Pontiac’s “wide-track” as “primarily an advertising gimmick.” Pontiac’s track “was a scant fraction of an inch wider than a lot of its contemporaries, and even a bit narrower than some” (1968, p. 6).

1959 Pontiac
This 1959 Pontiac ad highlighted Motor Trend’s Car of Year award by stating that these “guys at Motor Trend really know what they’re talking about. They test all the new cars.” Click on image to see full ad (Old Car Advertisements).

Bloch then pointed out that the 1961 Tempest, which Motor Trend lauded as “unquestionably a prototype of the American car for the Sixties,” would see its shiny technology dumped only three years later, partly due to reliability issues.

1961 Pontiac Tempest
A 1961 Pontiac Tempest ad said the following about the men — yes, men — at Motor Trend: “What they know about cars can help you buy your next new car with confidence.” Click on image to see full ad (Old Car Advertisements).

In 1965 the entire Pontiac line was given the Car of the Year award. Bloch quoted Motor Trend as saying that all Pontiacs had “the same handling and ride qualities” when its own published data showed otherwise (1968, p. 6).

Motor Trend Feb 1968 Pontiac GTO award
The February 1968 Motor Trend devoted a dozen pages to its Car of the Year, the Pontiac GTO, which it described as representing a “unique and revolutionary engineering/styling function” (1968, p. 42). 

1968 Pontiac GTO: Not such a safe bet

With all that as background, Bloch questioned why the 1968 GTO was selected the Car of the Year when it it was “essentially identical” to the Oldsmobile Cutlass 442, Buick Skylark GS and Chevrolet Chevelle SS (1968, p. 6).

Did the GTO’s award have anything to do with the February 1968 Motor Trend issue carrying nine pages of advertising by Pontiac and its suppliers — and every ad congratulated the GTO for getting the award?

1968 Pontiac GTO
A 1968 GTO ad said of its latest award that “Pontiac now has the distinction of being the only car manufacturer in the world to have won this award four separate times.” Click on image to see full ad (Old Car Advertisements).

Bloch went on to criticize Motor Trend’s “fetish about the GTO’s plastic front bumper, which is supposedly a major safety and styling advance.” He argued that it didn’t have all that much shock-absorbing protection. In addition, other aspects of the car’s styling reduced its safety, such as:

  • deeply recessed head and taillights that couldn’t be seen from the side,
  • impossible-to-see rear fender tips made backing up more difficult and
  • side sheetmetal bulges “that can get easily banged up in a parking lot” (1968, p. 6).

Of course, most of these criticisms could also be made of General Motors’ other mid-sized sporty coupes. And one could plausibly argue that the GTO’s styling has withstood the test of time a bit better than its corporate stablemates (although I have put in a good word for the Cutlass here).

Motor Trend Feb 1968 cover

Motor Trend could have made a more interesting choice

One might also argue that the Dodge Charger was a more sophisticated choice than the GTO among mid-sized sporty coupes, both in terms of aesthetics as well as performance capabilities.

Or if Motor Trend wanted to have the biggest impact on the success of a new model, it could have given its Car of the Year Award to the AMC Javelin. After all, the extra visibility likely would have boosted sales at a time when American Motors was just beginning to claw its way back from the brink of insolvency.

The Charger and Javelin were instead given “Cars in Category” awards along with the Chevrolet Chevy II and the Corvette.

1968 Dodge Charger

1968 AMC Javelin
1968 Dodge Charger (top image) and AMC Javelin (Old Car Brochures)

Note that in 1968 Motor Trend also presented awards for imported cars — and the two recipients were pretty exotic for the time: the rotary-engined NSU Ro 80 and Mazda. This suggested that Motor Trend was sensitive to the fact that an increasingly large number of car buyers were gravitating to smaller cars with more sophisticated engineering than traditional Detroit iron.

So despite all of the hoopla Motor Trend bestowed upon the GTO, the magazine was clearly trying to appeal to a marketplace that had become much more balkanized than it was only a decade earlier.

Which brings us back to Bloch’s critique. He arguably was correct that the GTO was not the most significant new car of 1968 even if you restrict your choices to US-built passenger cars. I suspect that Bloch was able to offer such a trenchant critique because at that point Road Test did not accept advertising, and so was more insulated from automaker pressure than other car-buff magazines.


This story was originally posted on June 26, 2023 and expanded on Feb. 5, 2025. The above-mentioned Road Test article was drawn from the Automotive History Preservation Society’s Digital Documents Library.




  1. He raised some good points. However this was the height of the car as status symbol, and still rolling art although a decade beyond the baroque era. I’m curious about the top ad that shows a 1965 GP in France. They should show it negotiating streets designed for donkey carts instead of in front of some chic bistro.

  2. There should be no mystery about the Motor Trend Car of the Year awards. They were devised by Bob Petersen (Petersen Publications, owner/creator of Motor Trend) as an advertising generator for the magazine. I know, as told by a MoTrend staffer of a specific case where the Monte Carlo wone the award instead of the Grand Am that actually wone because Chevrolet did a commitment for a larger annual ad buy.

    From a judge that was part of the innagural Import Car of the Year comes a story that reinforces the purpose. The first award went to the Citroen SM, a very worthy winner based upon its myriad of innovations. Bob Petersen went nuts over this saying how Citroen never spent ad money and even with this award nothing would change. The criteria for the following year’s award was changed.

    Motor Trend wanted 2 things out of the awards for a winner. Big advertising commitment. [Can’t say if it extended to all the Petersen publications or not.] The second was that getting the award would by hyped by the manufacturer to make it appear that this was a major achievement.

    Motor Trend was known for questionable ethics because of their ownership. The staff were looking to get somewhere else where they could be respectable.

    • As I recall, the Citroen was the overall winner for 1972; there was no separate Import Car of the Year until 1976, when the Toyota Corolla Liftback won the award. (However, Wikipedia states that the Porsche 914 was Import Car of the Year in 1970, with a hiatus on the title until 1976.)

      • Karl Ludvigsen posted a story a while back on his Why Cars Are So Bad website about his role in Motor Trend’s Car of the Year award. I suspect that this is the story but it’s behind a paywall and I’d like to keep my seven-day trial offer in reserve.

        Since I brought up paywalls I may as well add that I get the reason for their existence — at some point Indie Auto may need to switch to one if the number of donors doesn’t meaningfully increase — but paywalls can also be problematic for folks on a fixed retirement income.

  3. Adam on the Rare Classic Cars You Tube channel has often pointed out that Pontiacs often had softer suspensions and handled worse than Oldsmobiles. However, most of the 1960’s Pontiacs were beautifully styled cars.

  4. With 20/20 hindsight, we can see that MT’s Car of the Year Award winners were starcrossed, to say the least. Here’s the list from 1969-80.

    1969 Plymouth Road Runner
    1970 Ford Torino
    1971 Chevrolet Vega
    1972 Citroën SM
    1973 Chevrolet Monte Carlo
    1974 Ford Mustang II
    1975 Chevrolet Monza
    1976 Dodge Aspen / Plymouth Volaré
    1977 Chevrolet Caprice
    1978 Dodge Omni / Plymouth Horizon
    1979 Buick Rivera
    1980 Chevrolet Citation

  5. I might suggest that Petersen publications was an ongoing business whose first obligation was to be profitable and therefore remain in business. Those of us with blogs understand the importance of being able to generate enough income through our endeavors to justify their time and expense. Certainly that was the case magnified a hundred or thousand fold for publications with employees to pay, offices to rent, and investments demanding a return.

    In the end, MOTOR TREND probably did make decisions based on the economics involved. I don’t view that as an unpardonable sin. Whichever car they picked for their annual award was based on the subjective views of those testing them, anyway. Was there really that big of a difference in the Pontiac, Chevrolet, or Oldsmobile versions, when all was said and done? Perhaps to those who purchased one, but even then, nothing beyond personal taste and interpretations.

    MOTOR TREND was trying to sell magazines at a profit. They did not purport to be anything other than a magazine for the auto-centric hobbyist. CONSUMER REPORTS, on the other hand, did not sell advertising, nor did they accept free cars in order to test them, and they were not swayed by the marketplace. That is probably where people would have (or should have) gone if they were truly interested in an objective, unfiltered, and scientific view when considering an automotive purchase or opinion. Yet, CONSUMER REPORTS was nowhere as popular as MOTOR TREND. No one enjoys reading a technical review, devoid of expository comment and creative writing. And, in fact, most people aren’t seeking the truth. They are looking for the constant reassurance that what they already believe is the truth.

    MOTOR TREND was like a movie critic, in many ways. When the critic gets free tickets, a full bucket of hot buttered popcorn, and a frosty Coke along with the movie, he’s probably going to like it a lot more than those who are paying full price for the ticket and all the concessions.

    As Deep Throat said in All the President’s Men: “follow the money.”

    • I agree that a publication needs to pay attention to the bottom line in order to remain in business. It’s also true that journalism ethics have evolved in the United States since WWII — and that the automotive media have tended to straggle behind the newspaper industry because of the outsized impact of new-car advertising on their revenues. Even today, the line between hard-news coverage and public relations is still softer among the auto media than elsewhere in American journalism.

      The history of the automotive media is littered with examples of the firewall between the business and editorial side of a publication breaking down. While one could criticize a publication’s management, it also needs to be acknowledged that at times some automakers have reportedly used a heavy hand in leveraging their ad dollars to manipulate positive coverage.

      Some auto media outlets have developed better journalism standards than others. For example, Jalopnik promises to disclose “any costs associated with … stories — including travel, lodging and press loaner vehicles themselves — that were paid for by manufacturers or other companies.” In addition, “employees are barred from accepting any gifts or other items above $50 in value.”

      One could debate whether those steps are enough. Whatever else one might say about Consumer Reports, early on it squarely addressed potential conflicts of interest in the way that it has structured the publication. In addition to being run by a nonprofit organization, the magazine has never sold advertising space, it buys its test cars anonymously, and it does not let automakers brag about its ratings in their advertising.

      Imagine what the coverage of your favorite car-buff magazine would be like if it were structured in a similar manner. And note that just because Consumer Reports is not a terribly exciting publication to read does not mean that its business model couldn’t work for one that is. The rise of smaller-scale, reader-supported websites holds the potential for much more robust coverage than is possible with the for-profit, ad-based magazines.

        • Here’s what Consumer Reports says about its no-commercial use policy. They appear to now offer one exception to this policy, which is for a manufacturers to apply for a license that allows the magazine’s rating to be used in an advertisement.

          “Licensing includes the use of the CR Recommended mark, reprints, e-prints, single copies of our publications, and bulk sales of subscriptions of our products. We also allow the licensing of our content, including videos, but you may not discuss a specific rating or excerpt content except as expressly permitted by Consumer Reports. The use of any Consumer Reports’ trademark is only permitted as an integrated part of licensing our content.”

          I assume they are doing this to increase their visibility while controlling how their rating is presented. I’m disappointed that they took this step but disagree if you are implying that this invalidates the rest of their approach.

        • For decades, they flew the “no endorsements” flag as an indication of their purity. Yes, I do think that this nullifies their former stance.

          Also, if I were Toyota, I’d be a little miffed.

        • Perhaps because of my journalism background, I pay close attention to how the entity’s structure helps to define the parameters of its content. For example, I think that — all else being equal — a publication run by a nonprofit organization will likely be managed in a different way than a for-profit media outlet, particularly one which is owned by a fairly large corporation that trades titles like baseball cards. The incentives can be very different.

          By the same token, a publication that chooses to be funded entirely through reader subscriptions rather than advertising is going to be much less vulnerable to pressure from manufacturers to slant its coverage. And that can make a big difference in a publication’s coverage, particularly over the long run.

          There’s the organizational structure, and then there are specific policies chosen by management over time. For example, Consumer Reports’ decision to buy its test cars anonymously is a significant advantage over magazines that use cars provided by the manufacturer.

          Consumer Reports’ decision to offer an exemption from its no-commercial-use policy may dilute its perceived “purity,” but I don’t think it erases what otherwise makes it so different from a typical car-buff magazine.

  6. I would read the auto-buff mags AND CR when researching a buying choice. I wanted something that was (gasp!) reliable and not boring. For example, I’d narrowed my choices down to a mid 2000 Sentra because of not liking Toyota after a bad experience with them, and C&D sold me on the SE-R Spec V Sentra, which had the 175 hp 2.5 4 instead of the SE with the 1.8 I was looking at. I’m never going to take the word of a paid reviewer by himself or be swayed by ads by themselves.

  7. I suppose reading MOTOR TREND is a lot like talking cars with a buddy over a few beers at the local watering hole. Researching CONSUMER REPORTS is akin to asking your dad for his sage and trusted advice before making the big purchase. You’re going to be engaged and entertained with the former, but better educated with the latter. There’s a place for both, as long as you know what you’re getting with each one.

  8. It could be interesting to know if other cars magazines like Wheels magazine in Australia or Autocar in the UK did the same thing as Motor Trend?

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