1. Trying to restrain myself didn’t work.

    In these days of internet comment, and emboldened by anonymity, I am compelled to point out that the picture of the yellow Lark above is a 1960 model, not a ’59.

    Not a criticism. Like the Jeep slogan, it’s just an old auto enthusiast thing. And like showing off a nice car – but it’s wearing blatantly wrong hub caps.

    • Stewdi, our psychic friend needed a colorful, close-up picture of a Lark front end and this was the only decent one available. Since the 1960 models had very few changes from the previous year I thought it would be worth enduring comments like yours.

      Note that I have removed “1959” from the headline. So now we can argue about more important stuff.

  2. Sorry – sounds like l meant that this car was wearing the wrong hub caps. But that’s not what l meant. l meant that citing a ’59 and showing a ’60 is like showing …. Oh good gosh! l should just make an appointment with my Auto Psyc-iatrist!

    Hope you’re having a better day than me so far!

  3. Love your comment, Steve. 🙂

    I know – darned nit-picky enthusiasts! 🙁

    Actually, the Kia Amanti “stole a face like that”! Kia is guilty!

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