
Charles K. Hyde wrote a useful but superficial history of the Chrysler Corp.

by Steve in Readings 2

I am ambivalent about Charles K. Hyde’s book, Riding the Roller Coaster: A History of the Chrysler Corporation. The American automotive history field desperately needs more scholarly books, and Hyde is a relatively rare academic who has ventured into this realm not once but twice. He followed up his Chrysler history with one about American Motors (2009). However, the downside of Riding the Roller Coaster [...]

Data Dive

Letter to the Editor

1972 Chevrolet Vega

US automakers made vain promises in early-1970s to beat back imports

by Steve in History 0

In response to soaring import sales in the early-1970s, US automakers made brave promises of a counterattack. In retrospect, many of those promises sound decidedly hollow. For example, in the wake of a critical review of the 1969 1/2 Maverick (go here), Motor Trend ran a follow-up story in its August 1969 issue that quoted from a variety [...]



Maui Dip sign
Random Shots

A road sign with a sense of humor?

by Steve in Random Shots 2

I have long thought that American government could communicate more effectively if it used a senes of humor once in a while. Thus, I was intrigued by this sign on an obscure rural highway in Maui, Hawaii. Was the sign turned upside down — and put unusually [...]

Design Notes



1963 Studebaker Avanti
Fake Design

Was the 1963-64 Studebaker Avanti a fatal mistake?

by Steve in Fake Design 36

(EXPANDED FROM 4/22/2022) The 1963-64 Studebaker Avanti has been described by historian Patrick Foster as “one of the most beautiful automobiles ever to grace the road” (2008, p. 138). Even so, the premium-priced sporty coupe was arguably a commercial failure. Studebaker could have plausibly extended its time as an automobile [...]

Editor’s Note

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