‘Car Spotter’s Bible’ a simple but useful reference
Laugh if you will at the amateurish layout, but the American Car Spotter’s Bible: 1940-1980 is a useful reference. With this book you too can learn to name the make, model and year of every […]
Laugh if you will at the amateurish layout, but the American Car Spotter’s Bible: 1940-1980 is a useful reference. With this book you too can learn to name the make, model and year of every […]
To a degree this is an extension of The Lincoln Motorcar: Sixty Years of Excellence (1981), but with a restructured narrative and less emphasis on photographs. The time span covered is 1946 to 2000. As with most other automotive histories […]
The focus of this book series is product information, organized by year. U.S. sales figures are provided, but often aren’t broken out by model. Standard Catalog of Volkswagen, 1946-2004 John Gunnell; 2004 KP Books, Iola, WI “The […]
I probably use this 1,000-page reference guide more frequently than any other book in my automotive library. This is the second in a three-part series on American cars (see 1805-1942 and 1976-1999). As with most other Standard […]
This is the last of the four-part Cars of series, which cover the 1940s, 1950s and 1960s. As as with the others, this is an oversized hard-cover book that emphasizes color photographs but includes some advertisements. Minimal text […]
This 975-page paperback reference guide is the last in a three-volume series focused on American cars. As with most Standard catalogs, this one is a utilitarian book dominated by small text and black-and-white photos on non-glossy paper […]
Ron Kowalke has put together a handy source of data about American independents. As with other Standard Catalog volumes, this 400-page book has some data gaps. This book can be exceptionally dense reading even for a […]
This 252-page paperback book has lots of useful product information and a fair amount of corporate history. I’ve found most useful this book’s coverage of the 1960s, which elsewhere hasn’t received the attention it deserves. […]
I came across this scholarly paper when looking for data on the declining market share of domestic automakers. Lorraine Eden and Maureen Appel Molot present that data in a variety of useful ways. However, what is […]
This is a compilation of more than three-dozen articles from auto buff magazines such as Car Life, Four Wheeler, Mechanix Illustrated and Motor Trend. A big part of the value in this series of books, […]
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