Do you have the stamina to write 10,500 words per week?
A job description for a news reporter opening at GM Authority sheds light on the brave new world of automotive journalism. The lucky person hired is expected to write seven, 300-word articles per day. That’s […]
Could you give feedback on my sample article for hotcars.com?
Doing Indie Auto’s been fun, but it’s not making me rich. So when I heard that hotcars.com was hiring freelancers, I thought: Here’s my ticket! Thank you, Automotive Books and Periodicals, for posting their “We’re […]
Leo Levine was an aggressive p.r. guy for Mercedes
“Levine prolifically wined and dined the trade press, but he also took what he considered any disrespect for the brand personally. (And if he didn’t take it personally, he certainly acted as if he did.) […]
Would auto history be better if Automobile Quarterly hadn’t died?
QUESTION: Automobile Quarterly arguably had a major impact on the field of auto history — particularly during the magazine’s prime. Would the quality of today’s popular history be higher if Automobile Quarterly were still alive […]
Where do auto historians get their information?
Jvolgarino (2021) recently asked fellow members of the Society of Automotive Historians where they get their information. This invariably led to a discussion about the difficulties of obtaining primary sources of information. Primary sources are […]
Peter DeLorenzo: 2021 Jeep Wagoneer has nothing to do with ‘heritage’
“While the Jeep press material for the Wagoneer and Grand Wagoneer seems to scream ‘heritage’ and ‘Premium American Icon’ every other sentence, these bloated Jeeps have about as much in common with their forebears as, […]
Bitter Old Man’s take on Jeremy Clarkson
“It’s truly sad when the real person shows up and ruins your preconceived notions of how they actually were. (Jeremy) Clarkson, who was blessed with the talent to write really well, and was engaging as […]