Auto culture
How to reach out and touch someone
When John Z. DeLorean was head of Chevrolet in the early-70s he got rid of the brand’s massive billboard presence because it allegedly contributed to roadway blight (Wright, 1979). Like so many liberal crusades, that was […]
Behold, a sensitive New Age car nut
“Buying a car based on looks is like screwing for the post coitus cuddle.” — Barry Hubris, Autoblog
Exurban graffiti: There goes a generation
Evergreen Shores, Washington isn’t your typical upper-crust exurb (Wikipedia, 2015). Along the shoreline of Black Lake you’ll find a few gated McMansions, but by and large this is a working-class neighborhood. Despite amenities such as a boat […]
Moon over automotive non-place
Olympia is a small capital city located at the southern edge of the Puget Sound in Washington state. On the west side of downtown is a boardwalk and marina. This is a tranquil place, with a panoramic view of […]