Climate change
Would Matt Posky have raged against the horseless carriage?
If Matt Posky had been a journalist at the dawn of the 20th Century, I could see him raging against the horseless carriage. He might list its deficiencies, particularly when powered by one of those […]
Automotive News shows its bias in 2020 presidential coverage
The auto industry’s leading trade journal has put its thumb on the scales in reporting about the 2020 presidential race. Keith Laing’s (2020) comparison of Donald Trump and Joe Biden uses biased language and a […]
Why we’ve been slow to offer comments
Lockstops (2019) concluded that Greens and leftists “are like a cancer.” 28-Cars-Later (2019b) suggested that mercenaries should be hired to “start popping the heads off” members of the European Union Commission. Why the vitriol? Because […]
CO2 emissions: Automakers still partying like it’s 1975
The U.S. automobile industry has shown admirable ingenuity in developing new technologies to reduce the greenhouse gases produced by its cars and trucks. The problem is that a religious devotion to bigger, glitzier and more […]
The Truth About Cars falsely stokes fears of private car ban
The headline was about as alarmist as you can get for an auto enthusiast website: “UK Parliament Committee Wants to Ban All Private Cars and Trucks by 2050.” Writer Ronnie Schreiber (2019) then proceeded to […]
Commentators agree Keith Crain doesn’t ‘get it’
An overwhelming majority of commentators took Keith Crain (2019) to task for a recent Automotive News column where he questioned the viability of a rapid shift to electric vehicles. “The horse farriers of the 19th […]
All-time best climate change coverage by auto media?
A notable exception to the automotive media’s lack of attention to climate change was a package of stories Automotive News published in 2007. No, not last month or last year — a decade ago. Let’s […]