Electric vehicles
Ronnie Schreiber helps us hone our bullshit detectors
Ronnie Schreiber recently submitted a comment to our story, “Peter DeLorenzo draws questionable lessons from automotive history.” What follows is his entire comment in unedited form: “I find it interesting that the environmentalists who warned […]
Peter DeLorenzo draws questionable lessons from automotive history
Peter DeLorenzo (2023) recently raised a useful point: Too many of today’s auto industry executives “have no concept of historical perspective at all.” His full column is worth a read, but here’s a key passage: […]
Popularity of SUVs could offset climate advantages of EVs
Growth in the worldwide popularity of larger sport-utility vehicles could imperil efforts to reduce greenhouse gas reductions from electric vehicles. “SUVs were the second-largest contributor to the increase in global CO2 emissions since 2010,” according to […]
Does Rivian lose more than $100,000 on every vehicle it sells?
Reuters recently reported that every time Rivian Automotive Inc. sells an electric vehicle, it loses “hundreds of thousands of dollars due to staggering raw material and production costs, their latest earnings statements showed” (Sriram, 2022). […]
Peter DeLorenzo: Transition to electric vehicles can’t be dismissed as a fad
“. . . (T)he notion that the more ‘traditional’ automakers are too far ahead of the unfolding BEV transition is laughable. It’s not just traditional industry lead times at play here; it’s the fact that […]
Looking at battery-powered vehicles from both sides now
George Denzinger took the time to write a lengthy follow up to our “Quotes” post, “If automakers focused more on efficiency would there be less pressure to go EV?” This is the kind of deeper […]