Journalism standards
Auto history: A bastion of older white male privilege?
“Longtime Lurker, but I would say that despite being an earnest attempt to open up dialogue, some of the above comments would probably point to why there isn’t actually a lot of female participation on […]
Indie Auto shifts from monthly to weekly
Indie Auto is now updating its front page weekly rather than monthly. This is less of a change than you might think. We had already been producing enough content to fill a weekly front page. […]
Wheel spinning happens when car buffs and scholarly historians don’t collaborate
Car buffs and academics may as well live on different planets when it comes to writing automotive history. Yet they need each other to counterbalance their weaknesses. That’s my takeaway from John A. Heitmann’s essay […]
Acknowledging the politics of auto history
The auto buff media tends to avoid discussing the political dimensions of the industry for good reason. Readers can have strong views, so why risk antagonizing anyone? Indie Auto doesn’t want to make anyone mad, […]
Why hasn’t Consumer Guide Automotive fixed a discredited anti-Nader rant?
(EXPANDED FROM 11/1/2019) One way auto history websites can squeeze more profits from their content is to endlessly recycle it. That’s not a bad thing if the information is accurate, but it strikes me as […]
Why we’ve been slow to offer comments
Lockstops (2019) concluded that Greens and leftists “are like a cancer.” 28-Cars-Later (2019b) suggested that mercenaries should be hired to “start popping the heads off” members of the European Union Commission. Why the vitriol? Because […]
The Truth About Cars falsely stokes fears of private car ban
The headline was about as alarmist as you can get for an auto enthusiast website: “UK Parliament Committee Wants to Ban All Private Cars and Trucks by 2050.” Writer Ronnie Schreiber (2019) then proceeded to […]
What died when the VW Beetle ended production?
Paul A. Eistenstein’s (2019) story about the end of production for the Volkswagen Beetle makes an odd editorial decision. He treats the Beetle as a unified product line that stretches all the way back to […]